porder for Planet ordersv2: Cheat Sheet
Decided to create a cheat sheet for porder simple CLI for ordersv2. You can find the reference to ordersv2 here. Hope it helps. Get the Cheat Sheet Here. For windows users please use your command prompt and not the Power Shell

Hope this helps summarize most of the commands and options to run using the command line. Cite the tool, or star it on GitHub if you find it useful and use it as it allows me to understand usage and develop better tools.
Samapriya Roy. (2018, December 18). samapriya/porder: porder: Simple CLI for Planet ordersV2 API (Version 0.0.3). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2390423
If you have used it to recreate something or to create a better workflow, let me know.